Ryan’s Summer 2004 Sketches

I traveled quite a bit in 2004—more than these skecthes would suggest. In fact, the top two sketches (of guys, surprise, surprise) come from New York City, and I’m particularly proud of the very simple but decisive style of the “Monster guy,” a title that refers to the bar in which he was sketched, not to his physical appearance. But I made the next two, of a Fabergé rabbit and a Loïe Fuller lamp, at the the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts in Richmond, Virginia. In the middle row, you can tell that I spent a lot of time waiting for the ferry from Sayville to the Pines, but obviously not enough to make a decent sketch of one of the nearby boats. The next three drawings date to my trip up to Cambridge, Massachusetts, for an actual lesbian wedding! And the bottom two sketches come from Valencia, Spain.

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Artwork © 2006 Ryan Wyatt
